Jun 1, 2005 | Features
Clients Art Streiber and James White Join DigitalFusion on The 100 Most Important People in Photography, 2005 — Sometimes it’s what you know, and sometimes it’s who you know. Here are the people you definitely should know.
May 18, 2005 | Features, Post Production
Digital Artist Hugh Milstein Designs Elements of the Costume for Spiderman 2 and 3. The Spiderman 2 suit was dreamed up by costume designer Jim Acheson whose film credits include Brazil, Restoration, and Daredevil. But bringing a 2D drawing into 3D reality takes a team. Acheson collaborated with DigitalFusion’s Hugh Milstein to bring Spiderman’s suit to life.
Feb 1, 2005 | Digital Capture, Features
Imagine doing your very first digital shoot at Sundance Film Festival with tons of A-list celebrities for Instyle Magazine. You don’t want to be left out in the cold. DigitalFusion·Pro’s digital technicians were on-set for 11 days as Lisa Romerein shot her...