MANIFEST DESTINY: “We came west for a multitude of reasons: for adventure, for economic gain. Our quest over the last 200 years led to the discovery of a great expansive and rugged geography, of rich forests, and bountiful rivers to the vastness of the Pacific Ocean. Photographers by their nature are inquisitive beings, seeking or creating worlds in which to tell or repeat a visual story…

The eight artists in the “Manifest Destiny” exhibition, Randi Berez, Claudio Cambon, Larry S. Clark, Nicholas Alan Cope, Amanda Friedman, Michael Kelley, Lisa Romerein and Todd Weaver, share interests not that dissimilar from explorers of the past. The romance of the West lingers still, fascinating us with its wildness, its opportunity, its modernism, light, water, open mindedness, creative ingenuity as well as with its depleted assets.”

– Kathleen Clark, Guest Curator

“Manifest Destiny”

Opens Saturday, January 28th 2012, 6pm -9 pm with a reception for the artists. It is open to the public. Music provided by Ethnomusicologist Marlon Fuentes.

The exhibition will be open from January 28, through March 17th at The Analog Salon at Samitaur Constructs, 3535 Hayden Avenue, Culver City, California. Gallery hours are 9am through 5pm, Monday through Friday.

Participating artists: Randi Berez, Claudio Cambon, Larry S. Clark, Nicholas Alan Cope, Amanda Friedman, Michael Kelley, Lisa Romerein and Todd Weaver

The Analog Salon is a fine art photographic exhibition space housed at Samitaur Constructs, the noted architectural firm, in partnership with Digital Fusion, a premiere digital photographic rental and post-production facility and produced by Edgar Varela (EVFA). Located in Culver City, California, The Analog Salon highlights the exceptional talent of new, emerging and established photographers with an emphasis on Los Angeles based artists. Supporting the arts by providing not only a space but a full production and marketing effort to showcase talent and support artist projects, The Analog Salon will contribute to the art dialogue integrating its associated artists and partners as an important part of the cultural life of Los Angeles.

The Analog Salon at Samitaur Constructs, 3535 Hayden Avenue, Culver City, California

Images from Analog Salon Exhibitions are available for sale online at: