May 1, 2015 | Fine Art Capture, News
The long awaited publication of the correspondence between C.G. Jung and Erich Neumann was a landmark event in the history of analytical psychology. The Jung-Neumann Letters, edited and introduced by Philemon scholar Martin Liebscher, was published by Princeton...
Aug 28, 2014 | DF Studio, News
New Features and Enhancements Metadata Management DF Studio now updates files with metadata entered in the Metadata Editor pane. JPEG, TIFF, PDF and PNG files are updated along with the large (1:1) previews. Custom-sized JPGs with embedded metadata can be created...
Mar 18, 2014 | Events, Exhibitions, News
From Ventana Inn & Spa: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE VENTANA EXHIBITION FEATURES PHOTOGRAPHY BY NANCY BERRY DATE: 2/18/14 CONTACT: Lorrie Kempf (831) 667-4298, e-mail: WHAT: Ventana Exhibition featuring photographs by L.A. artist Nancy Berry...